Saturday, 7 February 2009

The Taximan's Story

1. The main irony in the story is that the taximan is against the way the younger generation who get tourists as their boyfriends for money and for love, when he makes money from them. The taximan makes a lot of money out of these girls and tourists for his daughter to get into university, and yet the daughter was actually like the people he made money from.

2. The themes raised from the story were love, disobedience and discipline. The taximan was very happy that the daughter managed to get good grades in school and was prepared to send her to university as he loved her very much. However, the daughter disobeyed her father and went with her friends to befriend tourists and stay back to make love. The father felt that he did not discipline the daughter well, like his father who disciplined him by caning. The taximan beat up the daughter in his anger and locked her up in her room for three days as he was ashamed of his daughter. The taximan wants to provide for his daughter but the daughter wants to have fun instead of studying hard.

3. Yes, as many other teenagers are behaving this way as well. The taximan drove many people like his daughter around to hotels, and thus the story is believable. Also, the taximan was not very educated and the grades may have been forged by the daughter to trick her father into thinking that she scored very well. The taximan also knows of many other kids who behave that way.

4. The taximan is a person who cares alot of his own family. This can be seen through how he works to get money to support the family. The taximan even drives people round and round and charge them by the meter so that he can earn extra money. However, when people bargain with him, he gets angry, as he has less money to support his family with. I feel sympathy for the taximan, as he has to work so hard everyday to earn a bit of money so that his daughter can go to university . However, his daughter refused to work and instead disobeyed him.

5. Yes, as many teenagers nowadays behave like that. His daughter should not have cared only for fun and should have put herself in the shoes of her father, who worked so hard so that she could go to a university. She could have instead tried to study hard and persuade her friends to stop their ways and try to study hard as well.

6. I feel sympathy for the other girls that boarded the taxi, who gave the taximan a lot of money they earned from their boyfriends. They were throwing their lives away and as their parents were not aware of what they were doing, they did not intervene. The taximan should have not drove them to their destinations and instead asked them to go back home, instead of taking advantage of their money. They might not be able to make a living in the future because of that.

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