Thursday, 2 July 2009

Casino in Singapore

I do not think that a casino should be built in Singapore, as it may introduce many problems in Singapore. Although, the casino helps to create more jobs for the people in Singapore, as well as gain a lot of money for Singapore and boost the tourist industry, I would like to focus on the youtube offering Anti-Gambling Singapore, where they state "Often the people who suffer from gambling aren't the gamblers."
Gamblers who become addicted may cause many problems for their families. For one, the families wealth and house may be taken away due to gambling habits. Cases of neglect and abuse can also result with the building of the casino.
The NGISC also heard testimony from domestic violence counselors and law enforcement officials regarding specific problems in casino communities. A domestic violence shelter in Harrison County, Mississippi, reported a 300% increase in the number of requests for help after casinos opened in the county. A large majority of the women seeking refuge at the shelter stated that gambling by their spouses had contributed to the abuse. The attorney general of Rhode Island reported a "significant increase" in the number of domestic assaults that occurred in the town of Westerly, Rhode Island, after the Foxwoods Casino opened in nearby Connecticut.
Casinos also cause bankruptcy when gamblers get addicted and spend all their money gambling.Professors from Georgetown University and Purdue University performed research on 1,000 U.S. counties over five years with the impact of casino gambling on personal bankruptcies, specifically in collar counties with or near casinos. Concluding remarks in the report said,"we found statistically significant increases at the county level in the number of personal bankruptcy filings due to the introduction of casino gambling."3
Casinos may also result in a higher crime rate in Singapore.By Earl L. Grinols
Evidence is converging to show that casino gambling causes significant increases in crime. Taken altogether, casinos impose crime and other costs – paid for by society, including those who do not gamble – that exceed their benefits and represent substantial burdens on nearby populations. Crime may result due to repeated
failures to resist the urge to gamble, loss of control over their gambling, personal lives and employment, reliance on others to relieve a desperate financial
situation caused by gambling, and the committing of illegal acts to finance gambling.
Thus, I do not think that the casino should be built in Singapore.

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