Saturday, 17 January 2009

Blog prompt

Dear gorverner,

As the chairman of the Farmer's Cooerative in Jiangsu, I want to represent the members of the Farmer's Cooperative by expressing certain hardships faced by the farmers due to the reforestation/conservation project by the officials.The farmers work very hard to obtain money from their crop and harvest. These farmers face many unexpected problems like pest and dry wheather. Thus, they cannot earn a lot of money. Throughout the years, they use their hard-earned money to buy land, to feed their family. By taking away their land, how are they to make food to sustain the population? How are they to feed their families? Thus, I propose to give them land in other areas, for them to continue farming. This also encourages more people to farm, and thus more food for the nation. Thank you


Rattrap said...

As the chairman of the association, I present my consent to your proposal. Thank you for suggesting this. I would be grateful if you keep suggesting these ideas.

Yours Sincerely,
Chairman of Osaka Council

Rattrap said...

Damn. The 'Rattrap' screwed up the identity. HI QD :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!