Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Dr Tan

Dear Children,
As you now know, I have broken the world record for completing 7 marathons across 7 continents in 27 days. How did I do it? I think that the main reason how I did it was my willpower to complete the goal that I had set for myself. I managed to persevere and not give up, and thus I managed to break the world record. The message I am trying to send across is that you have to set worthwhile goals and work towards them. For me, my goal was to raise money towards cancer research in children. One child that moved me was Jessica Doktor, who had leukaemia. I met Jessica six years ago when she was just three years old. But in October last year, Jessica died. Her fight gave me the energy to complete my mission. It was giving me a lot of positive energy, that this will be something I can do in remembrance for Jessica, for all the other kids around the world. One of the biggest enemies is yourself, as only you stand in your own way. Remember, everybody gets tired, and so did I, but I never gave upand continued to work towards my goal. I hope that you can follow by setting goals to help the society and work hard towards achieving those goals.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Tan

Sources : http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/322485/1/.html

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