Sunday, 29 March 2009


According to, utopia is any real or imaginary society, place, or state considered to be perfect or ideal [coined by Sir Thomas More in 1516 as the title of his book that described an imaginary island representing the perfect society, literally: no place, from Greek ou not + topos a place] .
A Utopia is the perfect society people wish to achieve where everyone is happy about what they do. This is nearly impossible, as many people would rather relax than work, and someone would have to work to get the luxuries the people desire. Besides this, everyone has different interests, and it would be virtually impossible to facilitate everybody so that everyone will be happy.

An element that contributes to an utopia is order. A place where everyone is at ease. A place where nobody works, nobody is doing anything stressful and everyone is having fun. Perfect communication is also there, where nobody feels insulted or insults, and there is good understanding between everybody. Another element is the lack of trouble, where everybody works together in perfect harmony. A utopia also has everyone doing what they enjoy, and enjoying what others do too.

Friday, 20 March 2009

The Lottery

Revelance to today:

From the lottery, we can learn a lot about the way the villagers live. The villagers are stoning the person for the fun of it. The rest of the villagers, not having been stoned before, would not realise the pain of the person being stoned. The children may even think of it as a fun and exciting event, where they can exercise their violence. When the children grow older, they will continue the ritual. Throughout the years, the villagers forgot about the rest of the ritual, but only remembered the stoning. Why? This is because it is the most exciting part of the event where the villagers feel superior to the person being stoned and can do anything to the person without the person retaliating or being able to complain to someone with authority. All the children assemble first, which can show that the children are excited by this event. Tessie Hutchinson arrived cheerfully, which shows she is excited about the stoning. When she is the one who is chosen, she feels that it isn't fair and it isn't right, as she finally realises how it feels to be helpless.
In our society, many people behave like these villagers. When they watch others stoning people or join in the stoning, they do not defend them as they do not know how they feel, but as they enjoy the activity they continue to do so. After enjoying the stoning so much, they refuse to stop in these activities. This is especially in the case of bullying in the school. Bullies do not want to stop and want to have fun so they continue to bully. In the story, nobody stands up for the person who is chosen as they are afraid that they may be stoned, like nobody dares to stand up for victims of bullies as they are afraid they may be stoned. In the story, the villagers use the stones to stone the victims and encircle them to prevent them from coming out. In school, students may find what the bully says to be amusing and thus join in. In the story, when Old Man Warner, who had stoned for many years, knows that some villages were quitting the lottery, he felt irritated as he had never experienced being stoned and had fun stoning for many years and insults those who stop the lottery. Thus, asking these villagers to stop the lottery is quite hard as they have fun doing this and there is no one to stop them.
In school, when the bullies are reprimanded, they feel irritated and do not wish to stop as they have fun doing so. The students would not want to stop bullying the victims as they enjoyed the past events and do not see the disadvantages of bullying. Thus, asking these students to stop bullying is quite hard as they have fun doing this and there is no one to stop them.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

How Singaporeans are doing their part to save the environment

Singaporeans do a lot do their part to save the environment. Firstly, they recycle used water to get water through NEWater, where used water is purified. Secondly, there are rubbish bins around, to prevent litter from being thrown all over the place. This helps to reduce the amount of rubbish being littered around the place. Singapore also has many nature reserves to preserve the wildlife flora and fauna in Singapore, and there are many trees along the roads. Singapore also treats waste water before allowing it back to the ocean, so that poisons and toxic waste will not be released into the sea, and will not poison the fish.
Singapore also helps the environment by using the rubbish for landfills instead of dumping them and cutting down tress for this space. Singapore also recycles paper, plastic and metal, instead of throwing it away. This helps to reduce the amount of trees cut down, amount of metal mined and amount of plastic made. This effectively reduces the amount of rubbish produced. Singapore also makes sure that everybody does not destroy the habitat, imposing a law which bans people from plucking flowers from parks so as to conserve the environment.
Singapore also charges for plastic bags on Wednesdays, to discourage people from using plastic bags and use reusable bags instead.