Wednesday, 4 March 2009

How Singaporeans are doing their part to save the environment

Singaporeans do a lot do their part to save the environment. Firstly, they recycle used water to get water through NEWater, where used water is purified. Secondly, there are rubbish bins around, to prevent litter from being thrown all over the place. This helps to reduce the amount of rubbish being littered around the place. Singapore also has many nature reserves to preserve the wildlife flora and fauna in Singapore, and there are many trees along the roads. Singapore also treats waste water before allowing it back to the ocean, so that poisons and toxic waste will not be released into the sea, and will not poison the fish.
Singapore also helps the environment by using the rubbish for landfills instead of dumping them and cutting down tress for this space. Singapore also recycles paper, plastic and metal, instead of throwing it away. This helps to reduce the amount of trees cut down, amount of metal mined and amount of plastic made. This effectively reduces the amount of rubbish produced. Singapore also makes sure that everybody does not destroy the habitat, imposing a law which bans people from plucking flowers from parks so as to conserve the environment.
Singapore also charges for plastic bags on Wednesdays, to discourage people from using plastic bags and use reusable bags instead.

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