Sunday, 29 March 2009


According to, utopia is any real or imaginary society, place, or state considered to be perfect or ideal [coined by Sir Thomas More in 1516 as the title of his book that described an imaginary island representing the perfect society, literally: no place, from Greek ou not + topos a place] .
A Utopia is the perfect society people wish to achieve where everyone is happy about what they do. This is nearly impossible, as many people would rather relax than work, and someone would have to work to get the luxuries the people desire. Besides this, everyone has different interests, and it would be virtually impossible to facilitate everybody so that everyone will be happy.

An element that contributes to an utopia is order. A place where everyone is at ease. A place where nobody works, nobody is doing anything stressful and everyone is having fun. Perfect communication is also there, where nobody feels insulted or insults, and there is good understanding between everybody. Another element is the lack of trouble, where everybody works together in perfect harmony. A utopia also has everyone doing what they enjoy, and enjoying what others do too.

1 comment:

SeraphC said...

Are you refering to the book "erehwon"?