Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Should you be rewarded for your efforts at school?

The first type of reward refers to awards such as medals, vouchers and so on given by the school to encourage students to put in more effort in school. Such rewards may be effective in promoting a young child's love of learning and generate interest to study, as well as a motivation to pay attention in class. When the students grow up, they can set goals in their learning journey, aiming to absorb more in class and to revise their homework. However, when they grow older, they should develop their own passion for learning, though awards would help them in goal setting. Even though studying is for the good of the child, some students may not find anything worthwhile when they are young, and thus having an award system is a good idea.
The second type of reward is the rewards that the parents give to a child, which may include electronic gaming devices or computer games. The idea is to motivate the child to study first then have fun later, while making sure that the child plays only after the exams and study hard for it so that they can enjoy their time afterwards. Even though this is a good option to make children study hard for the test, the children may be too young to resist the temptation to play, and since it has already been introduced, they might be addicted and lose concentration in their studies. Besides, they might have the passion to learn and are motivated to get high grades just so that they can play these games. When these children grow older, they may not be able to pick up as fast as the rest as they are addicted to playing games, and do not seek to set personal goals for themselves.
Thus, I think that awards for the effort put in at school would be useful to motivate as well as encourage students to put in effort in homework as well as pay attention in class, though the reward should not make the child stop working hard. Parents can award their children by taking them on fun or educational trips, as well as bring them to the library or let them start a hobby for them to devote their time in.

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