Sunday, 14 June 2009

What is beauty?

Beauty is a person's perspective of what is desirable and that stands above the rest. For humans, beauty can mean inner beauty, the characteristics of a person or outer beauty, which refers to physical attractiveness. Beauty is a matter of opinion, as what one person finds to be beauty another may not. For example, one person may enjoy a certain hobby collecting beautiful insects, while another person may find it a complete waste of time and point out that the insects are foul and disgusting. Thus, beauty is not easily defined, as everyone has their own likes, character and attitude. Due to character, some people may look out for physical beauty while others may look out for inner beauty, the good traits of someone. This may also be due to attitude, where somebody who has a positive attitude looks out for the good qualities of something while others who do not look out for the bad qualities in others. Thus, beauty is based on the perspective of those who appreciate the good qualities in something or someone.
Thus, beauty can take a very important role as to determine whether something is seen as beautiful or not. Someone with a good attitude and who looks out for good qualities in others can help them to develop their good qualities and prevent them from wasting away. Therefore, beauty cannot be easily defined but can take an important role to those who appreciate it.

the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or a pattern.
to be continued...

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