Sunday, 10 May 2009

Blog Prompt: Gaming Addiction

When I was primary four, my classmates introduced a extremely addicting game to me. That game had no ending, and they spent hours and hours playing it without stop.
I was curious and decided to try the game for myself. Once I started playing, I got hooked. I would play the game for hours after hours, never getting tired of it, as there was no definite end to the game. My classmates and I frequently met on the game and we played the game together. Very soon, I started to pay less attention in class, and there were also times I had to play without my parents consent.
I found myself growing more irritable when i could not play. I did not play with my other siblings and did not participate in family outings so that I could play.
However, the real schock came to me when my Mid-year examinations came out. For many of my examinations, I got only 70+ marks. From then on, I tried very hard to curb my addiction. However, I found that i missed out on many occasions that I could have been with my family. I also dragged down my average by a lot. Although I still managed to scrap band 1s for all my subjects in the end, I lost the subject prize by 1 mark. If i had been willing to put in more effort in my studies and not play that computer game, I would have managed to get that subject prize.
I regretted my actions very deeply and tried to stop playing computer games until the holidays. If only I knew how to balance between play and work, I could have managed to get better marks for my exams, as well as improved my family relations.

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