Monday, 25 May 2009

My first semester as a secondary one student

My first semester as a secondary one student was extremely interesting, with many new and interesting events happening in the school.
Firstly, I had new classmates, friends, subjects and so on. I had to adapt to my new classmates and the new cirriculumn quickly. Though it was not unexpected, I had to leave my old friends in primary school behind and socialize with my new classmates, and I met many friends in this school, through class and CCA. The new cirriculumn was interesting, but there were many new subjects, most which were different from my past cirriculumn. These new subjects were quite interesting, though there was more homework to be done. The cirriculumn was also more difficult and the exams had to be thouroughly revised for.
I joined a new CCA as well, which was very exciting as it comprised of many different types of outdoor activities such as outdoor cooking. In my new CCA, I learned much about the history of scouting.
The lessons consisted of fun and meaningful activities to help us understand better the content of the subjects. We also did many projects that we had to present to the class, where we had to research the topic thouroughly and present it to the class, helping us learn more about it. In Hwa Chong, there were many facilities which aided us in learning, such as sports facilities for the PE lessons and the computer labs for us to learn IS.
However, I did not do very well for some of the subjects that I had excelled in when I was primary school. I had to revise my work very thoroughly before the examinations. Due to the excessive amount of homework, I had very little leisure time left. The CCA also required us to stay back for two days, once on Friday and one on Saturday. I had to learn how to spend my time as I often found myself sleeping very late. Although I did not have as much leisure time as before, the activities held in school were enough to make up for it. There were camps held by the school and by the CCAs where we experienced many activites such as building a catapult and pitching a tent.
(to be continued...)

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