Sunday, 10 May 2009

Blog Prompt: social entreprenuership business

Dear Resident Committee,

On behalf of my team members, I would like to propose the setting up of stalls near primary schools, where our team members can be stationed. They would invite primary school students to ask questions that they do not understand related to their curriculum. They will pay 50 cents for every question that they ask. The money that we collect will be used to buy second-hand books, writing materials and to help pay for school fees, and these shall be donated to charitable organizations to be distributed.
Our team chooses to do so as both help students with difficulty studying, only do not understand a few problems or do not have the time to go to tuition, and those students who do not have enough money to pay for school books, writing materials or school fees.
These stalls are stationed near primary schools or if possible, within them. This is to provide students with the ease of accessibility and to encourage more students to participate. Students can also donate their old books or writing materials instead of 50 cents, and each student who asks more than 1 question would get a sticker, to encourage the students to ask more questions.
Our team will operate from the school's dismissal time to 2.30, to cater for students who are waiting to be fetched, having their lunch in school or waiting for their CCA to start. Students can also ask for help with their homework, as many of them do their homework during this period.
Thus, I hope that the Resident Committee can accept our proposal and allow us to run our stall near these schools and persuade schools to allow us to set up our stalls within them to aid students in their learning journey, as well as raise funds for underprivileged students.

Yours Sincerely,
Leong Qi Dong

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